Friday, April 13, 2012


VOLCANOES :  (mini- poster) Volcanoes are found everywhere but they are special;y located at Earth's Plate Boundaries.  There are different types of volcanoes. Such as Cinder cone, Stratovolcano, or Composite, and Shield Volcano.  Shield Volcano is a volcano totally different than the others because,  it is formed under the water. People might think that lava and magma are the same. But magma is the hot molten rock and lava is the hot liquid that comes out when the volcano already erupted.

FAULTS: (mini-poster)  Faults are large fractures in earth's crust.There are three types of faults. Normal, Reverse, and Strike. Normal Fault is when one rock move dow. Reverse Fault is when one rock move down. Lastly Strike Fault is when rocks slide past each other.

EARTH'S INTERIOR: (mini-poster) The main layers of Earth's Interior are crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. They are located inside and outside of the earth. There are two types of crust. Oceanic Crust, and Continental Crust. 

Prediction Map:  Hot spot are the active volcanoes. They are located in certain islands such as Hawaii.
Convergent Boundary are two plate that coming toward each other in the continental crust and they create mountains. they also create trench in the oceanic crust.Divergent Boundary are when two plates move apart from each other, in the oceanic crust they create  ridges, and in the continental crust they create rift-valley. Transform Boundary  is the only boundary that causes Earthquakes.

Convection Currents Lab: Convection Currents is what move earth's tectonics plates based on the temperatures. In these experiment the hot water represents the outer core,  and the food coloring represents the magma, because outer core make the magma go up and that's what happen with the hot water and the coloring. Cold water makes the food coloring went down. This plates move as they are in top of the water, because they move very slowly as honey.


The Ring of Fire
Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics?
Alfred Wegener was the scientist who created the theory of the Drift theory. But in order to prove his ideas he used  fossils rocks, mountains range and Pangea ( the puzzle). At first all the continents were together but then they started to spread out and now are all separated. I  agree with the theory of plate tectonics because, it is truth that Earth's crust are broken in to two plates. They are also in the top of the mantle and they are floating. They move because of the convection currents.
1- What did you enjoyed the most about this project and why?
What enjoyed the most about this project was to work individually. Sometimes I like to work in group but sometimes the ideas that people make are not enough to follow them.But in this project I enjoyed the most because, I did it in my own style.
2- What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me was to created my iMovie video. 
3- What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
The new skills I learned was how to create my iMovie video, how to upload my pictures, how to recorded my voice and grabbed to the iMovie.
4- Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
What could I have done and much better was my mini-posters. I think I could improve them by creating more creativity in them, and so my video.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012



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WATER LEVEL( livel del agua): Is how high or low the water is.
HIGH AND LOW TIDES( altas y bajas mareas): Each day water level is high two times and two times low.
REVOLUTION( revolucion): Is the time that the earth takes around the sun.
GRAVITY( gravedad): The force in which the earth grabbs the moon.
SPRING TIDE(  marea viva): Is when the water level on earth is highest and lowest.
NEAP TIDE(  marea muerta): Is when the water level on the earth is equal.
Revolution and gravity causes tides.
There are two types of tides low tide and high tide. This included water level,  that's how we noticed the level water.
The main tides that all we know are, Spring and Neap tide.
Neap Tide  is when the water level on earth is equal. The sun,the earth and the moon make a straight line. First quater moon and Last quarter moon are the phases of the moon in this tide.

Spring Tide is when the water level on earth is tis highest and lowest. New Moon and Full Moon are the phases of the moon in this tide.

There are several reasons of how the earth is affected by movement. Lunar Revolution causes tides.Lunar Revolution is the time that the moon takes around the earth. The earth is also affected by the revolution of the earth and that's why we have seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
Another reason is the earth rotation. When the earth spins on it's axis is what caused the day and night.
What did you enjoy most about this project and why? What enjoy most about this project was the we only work on one topic and not in a lot. I also like to work with my group members we all worked hard on this.
What was most challenging for you during this project? The most challenging for me was to planed the procedure of how to film. We have to figure out what to included and in what order.
What new skills did you learn from doing this project? The skills that I learned was how to be the narrator, I'm kind of shy on how to speak on the microphone or when somebody is filming. I also learned how to work with my group in order to make a video.
Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?
I think I could work individual, maybe it takes more easier and more fast.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


At the beginning of the Quaternary Period, the continents were formed. Just the way they are today. Asia and Australia get separated from North America. South America from Europe and Africa. Quaternary Period is more considered as '' The Age of Humans''. In Africa is where the first modern human evolved. There were many different lakes and bays.

In this project I enjoyed creating my Glog because, I did it in my own style and I was working individual. The most challenging  in this project  was to find the Stratigraphy because my period is not the same as the other periods,so I decided to look for the places where the rocks are located. I think I wouldn't change anything, I liked the way how Ms Kara let us decided what we should eather a Glog or a Video. In this project I learned about Quaternary, this is the first time I heard about The Geologic Time Scale, and studied about Quaternary Period. I also learned that in this period is when the continents get formed as the way they are today.

Monday, November 14, 2011



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Stars are large balls of hot gas. Each star is classified by their temperature, color, size, luminosity and spectral class. Stars could look really small but thats because they are far away. But they could be more bigger than the sun and more bright. Stars also died.

There are different types of stars. Supergiant, Giants, White Dwarfs and Main Sequence Stars. All of these types are classified by their characteristics also. Main Sequence are star that they could be eather  small or big. Hot or cold, and bright or dim.
Characteristics such as size, color, temperature,luminosity, age, and spectral class defined what type of star is. whether Main Sequence, Supergiants,  White dwarfs or Giants.
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram  is the graph that shows all the characteristics of a star and it is used by astronomers. As you can see, this graph shows that Supergiant stars has the must luminosity and they are the more hot. The White Dwarfs are the smallest stars. They also are the coolest and dim stars.
Stars born in a giant clouds called Stellar Nebula. This clouds are made of gas and dust. Sometimes part of the cloud gets smaller, because of gravity. When it smaller, it gets more hot and that causes nuclear reaction  at the middle. After that a new star is born.
As I said what causes nuclear reaction, there are other things inside the nuclear reaction. There is a a gigantic nuclear fire place. That's the process in which a star change into two gases. Hydrogen and Helium. Two  hydrogen and  one helium they create the energy of the star

As we know so far, all stars were born in a giant cloud which is called Stellar Nebula. There are different types of stars and the stars that I'll talk about now is about Sun-like stars, Huge stars and Giant stars.
Sun-like star are the stars that were born as red giants. Then change to a planetary nebula which is a cloud of dust and gases. After that it become a White Dwarf, and lastly become a Black Dwarf which is  an invisible and giant cloud. Huge stars and Giant Stars are kind of similar because first they were born as Red Super Giant, after that they  both become super nova. Super Nova is when a star explodes in a giant explosion. But Huge stars become a Neutron Star. Neutron Star is a small star, very dence and spins very fast. Giant Stars  become a black Hole.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Mercury is the second smallest planet in the solar system. The surface has many craters and high cliffs. Its temperature range from 425C during the day to 170C at night. Two interesting facts bout mercury is that is the only planet closes to the sun and there's no atmosphere.

The planet order is that mercury is the first one. The distance from the sun (km) is 57.9 millions.
The mas is 0.553, the diameter is 4,880 km. The rotation of mercury is of 59 days and the revolution is of 88 days. Mercury doesn't have moons and is terrestrial.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project


1-What time of the year do hurricanes occur? Why do they only happen during that time?
Hurricanes occur during the summer because, the water of the ocean is more warm and makes trade winds to meet. After they meet and rotated as in a spiral they made the eye of the hurricane. Which become more strong and formed the eye-wall.
2-How can the timing of the tides (high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
If the tides get low, there wouldn't be any effect everything will be normal. But if the tide gets High there will be a big effect, there would be damage, destruction and eve flooding.
3-If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
There would be less impact because the water is saturated so it means the water is already under the ground. Deep inside the soil.
4-How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
  Groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams because it increase the level of the water, so rivers and streams overflows.
1- What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
I liked the way we can show our opinions and our knowledge about what we learned about this topic.
2-What was difficult for you on this project?
It was kind of difficult because we have to use every vocabulary words on every response.
3-What would change about your work on this project?
I would change that if everybody could choose their topic. That everybody could have their own project.
4- How did this project help you  learn about hurricane Irene?
It helps me to know about how a hurricane get formed and  and also when and where it could happen.