Stars are large balls of hot gas. Each star is classified by their temperature, color, size, luminosity and spectral class. Stars could look really small but thats because they are far away. But they could be more bigger than the sun and more bright. Stars also died.
There are different types of stars. Supergiant, Giants, White Dwarfs and Main Sequence Stars. All of these types are classified by their characteristics also. Main Sequence are star that they could be eather small or big. Hot or cold, and bright or dim.
Characteristics such as size, color, temperature,luminosity, age, and spectral class defined what type of star is. whether Main Sequence, Supergiants, White dwarfs or Giants.
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram is the graph that shows all the characteristics of a star and it is used by astronomers. As you can see, this graph shows that Supergiant stars has the must luminosity and they are the more hot. The White Dwarfs are the smallest stars. They also are the coolest and dim stars.
Stars born in a giant clouds called Stellar Nebula. This clouds are made of gas and dust. Sometimes part of the cloud gets smaller, because of gravity. When it smaller, it gets more hot and that causes nuclear reaction at the middle. After that a new star is born.
As I said what causes nuclear reaction, there are other things inside the nuclear reaction. There is a a gigantic nuclear fire place. That's the process in which a star change into two gases. Hydrogen and Helium. Two hydrogen and one helium they create the energy of the star
As we know so far, all stars were born in a giant cloud which is called Stellar Nebula. There are different types of stars and the stars that I'll talk about now is about Sun-like stars, Huge stars and Giant stars.
Sun-like star are the stars that were born as red giants. Then change to a planetary nebula which is a cloud of dust and gases. After that it become a White Dwarf, and lastly become a Black Dwarf which is an invisible and giant cloud. Huge stars and Giant Stars are kind of similar because first they were born as Red Super Giant, after that they both become super nova. Super Nova is when a star explodes in a giant explosion. But Huge stars become a Neutron Star. Neutron Star is a small star, very dence and spins very fast. Giant Stars become a black Hole.
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